Professional Conduct
While different from Academic Conduct policies, professional conduct policies are still tied to ethical behaviour. Several professions have very specific professional codes of conduct that people in those professions must abide by to become members of that profession and remain in it. Even if your job or career does not fall into these specific codes of conduct, most employers require their workers to follow codes of conduct that may be applied to behaviour during and outside work hours. Unethical and/or unprofessional behaviour can result in job loss or worse.
- Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics
- Ontario Engineers Code of Ethics
- Ontario College of Teachers Professional Standards
Ontario Tech's Professional Suitability Policy (Undergraduate) Policy
From Ontario Tech's Professional Suitability Policy (Undergraduate): "Students in programs leading to professional certification must demonstrate behaviour appropriate to practice in those professions. Where a dean determines that behaviour inconsistent with the norms and expectations of the profession has been exhibited by a student, that student may be immediately withdrawn from the program by the dean or subject to one or more of the sanctions."